Alameda school district to expand LGBT-inclusive materials
The Alameda Unified School District is set to expand anti-bullying materials that are LGBT-inclusive to also specifically cover race, religion, and other protected classes.
Sen. Kerry finally speaks out against the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill
After a disturbing period of silence from Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), the senator has finally joined much of the political and international communities in speaking out against the AHB.
Senate candidates on LGBT issues
A brief examination of Senate candidates Martha Coakley (D) and Scott Brown (R) with Massachusetts' LGBT community.
Point Foundation opens 2010 application season
The Point Foundation, the nation's largest scholarship fund for LGBT students, has officially opened its 2010 application season as of Dec. 11.
CT's True Colors launches new brand, Web site
Connecticut's True Colors, an organization exclusively serving LGBT youth, has announced the formation of their new brand and redesigned Web site, www.ourtruecolors.org Dec. 8.
Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act moves towards approval
The Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Dec. 16 approved the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would allow federal employees to give their same-sex partners health insurance, life insurance, government pensions, and other employment related benefits and obligations that are available to heterosexual married couples.
"Dump Tisei" campaign attacks senator's politics, steers clear of sexuality
A Republican-backed Web site challenging Charles Baker's choice of state Senator Richard Tisei as his running mate in the 2010 gubernatorial election debuted earlier this month, rich with criticisms of Tisei's political history.
The favorites win with ease in Senate special election
Low turnout had no effect on the favorites during the Tuesday, Dec. 8, special election to replace the late U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy. Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown easily advanced to the finals, which will be decided on Jan. 19.
South End gay bashing trial extended
The case against Darren Morgan and Howard Rice in the alleged assault and gay bashing of two men this past summer has been continued to Feb. 1.
Baker chooses Tisei for lieutenant governor
Republican Charles D. Baker has chosen Senate minority leader Richard R. Tisei to join him in the gubernatorial race.
Displaying 32 out of 122 pages