
Aron Gold, Esq. READ TIME: 1 MIN.

He didn't just found our nation.

History Channel explores our third president in their new special, Jefferson. Taking a look at his life, accomplishments and contradictions, this fantastic 90-minute feature will show you sides of the man you never read about in history class.

Starting off with his young life and then moving on to his estate, Monticello, you get a glimpse of what made him passionate. Hint: it wasn't the fact that his family owned slaves. Contradicting this fact is his passion for equality, and his fighting in the revolution. After the young country is born, we see his political ambitions, rivalries, and failures pan out. Then, as President, we see his sometimes shaky adherence to the constitution.

Jefferson, a man of integrity, debt, and contradictions. Slave owner, yet fighter for equality. History Channel has outdone itself

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by Aron Gold, Esq.

Aron is a contributor to Edge, focusing on critiques and local events. He is an attorney in Philadelphia.

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