Celebgays :: Is Anderson coming out?

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Is America's most famous closeted newsman about to make the leap?

The gossip website Gawker is reporting today that they heard from a tipster that Anderson Cooper is prepping to come out on his daytime television show during the February sweeps.

Here's what the tipster had to say to Gawker:

"Daytime talk show "Anderson" is having their first Christmas party tomorrow night, 15 December, at the Russian Tea Room. Anderson Cooper is bringing Benjamin Maisani. And introducing him as his "boyfriend" to the staff. The staff is prepping Anderson's "coming out" show for the next sweeps. Check the ratings. They're getting desperate.

"A call to the Russian Tea Room verified that the party is in fact taking place there tomorrow evening, so at least that part is true. Whether or not Andy brings Ben and just how he introduces him, I won't know since somehow I did not get invited. It makes sense he would attend since Anderson has already taken him to the Vanity Fair Oscar party and on his Mardi Gras float. The company Christmas party isn't nearly as public and spouses are possibly invited, so it seems self-evident.

"As for the rest of the info, it sure is pretty interesting. Yes, Anderson's ratings aren't that hot, but aren't totally abysmal either. Also, they can't be that desperate since the show was renewed for season two. But a bump in the ratings around sweeps time sure would be great, and what better way than outing Anderson-something that journalists have been doing for years to great effect."

When in 2007 OUT Magazine named Cooper second on their list of "The Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America," Cooper said: ""I understand why people might be interested. But I just don't talk about my personal life. It's a decision I made a long time ago, before I ever even knew anyone would be interested in my personal life. The whole thing about being a reporter is that you're supposed to be an observer and to be able to adapt with any group you're in, and I don't want to do anything that threatens that."

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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