Ultra-Right Legal Group Allegedly Fires Married Lawyer for Gay Affairs

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Several media outlets have reported that officials from Pat Robertson's American Center for Law and Justice has fired a senior attorney after rumors surfaced on the Internet that he was involved in gay relationships with younger men, despite being married and a father of eight, according to the New Civil Rights Movement.

Officials from ACLJ, which was founded by the anti-gay televangelist Robertson, did confirm to Metro Weekly that they let James Henderson, a senior attorney with the group, go.

"He is no longer affiliated with any ACLJ entity," Ronn Torossian of 5W Public Relations told Metro Weekly in an email. "ACLJ will not comment further on this personnel matter."

But as New Civil Rights Movement points out, Henderson was let go from ACLJ on Sept. 25 - one day after blogs reported that he may be gay.

Two blogs, Exposed Politics and The Patriot-Ombudsman, published information about Henderson being romantically linked with younger men and that he used a Facebook account to talk with them. The account, however, has been deleted. Also deleted is Henderson's biography and his articles on ACLJ's website.

"Based on that anonymous tip we were directed to the Facebook page of Mr. Kyle Johnson a possible alter ego/identity of Mr. James M. Henderson," Exposed Politics writes. "As Kyle Johnson, is a nickname he may have used when a locksmith truck that drove by him had on its door panel 'Kyle Johnson Locksmith.'"

Robertson founded Washington, D.C.-based ACLJ in 1990. He strongly opposes same-sex marriage and LGBT rights and has made several anti-gay comments on his daily talk show, "The 700 Club."

In 1998, Robertson said that the acceptance of homosexuality would cause natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados. He also partly blamed the Sept. 11 attacks on the LGBT community.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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