Lisa Lampanelli

Michelle Sandoval READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Everybody excels at something...just how each individual uses that "something" is a different story. Take Lisa Lampanelli for instance; she is a comedian who knows how to make people laugh, and she is definitely a master at her craft. Is her comedy founded on harsh insults? Does she target minorities and homosexuals? Is she criticized for her rude, many times tasteless, jokes? Does she take it too far, too often? The answer to all these questions is "yes," but it may also be the reason why Lampanelli has so many devoted fans.

Comedy's lovable "Queen of Mean" recently embarked on a nationwide tour, making a stop at Los Angeles' Nokia Theatre this past weekend. The laughs were abundant, the insults were flying, and no one, including the audience, was safe.

After a short, enjoyable set by Joe Bartnick, author of the popular book "You Might Be A Douchebag," Lampanelli strutted on stage. Immediately she addressed the HUGE elephant in the room -- her massive, recent weight loss. It is quite shocking; fans that have followed her career know that she has always been very heavy. She recently lost over a hundred pounds and the woman on stage looked like a completely different person, petite and fragile, until she opened her mouth that is. She may be tiny in stature, but she definitely makes it up for it with a larger than life persona.

With the weight business out of the way she quickly started in on the audience. It is well known that you should not go to a Lisa Lampanelli show if you don't know how to laugh yourself, and if you're sitting in the first few rows be prepared to become part of her act. Fortunately, everyone was in high spirits during her routine, taking her jabs like champs.

Lampanelli's set ran for well over an hour, and was filled with every curse word in the book. Celebrity attacks were high on her agenda, Beth Chapman (Mrs. Dog the Bounty Hunter), Chaz Bono, Clay Aiken and Zsa Zsa Gabor got the worst, keeping in mind that everything was in good fun. She also did quite a few jokes about her stint on "Celebrity Apprentice 5," and I must say that her impression of Donald Trump is hilarious.

Her husband, who she affectionately calls "Johnny Big Balls," was also a big part of her routine. I don't care to know if his nickname is accurate, but one thing is certain, the man has to have extremely tough skin to be married to this woman.

Her comedy career started in the early 1990s. Since then she has released numerous stand-up specials, become a favorite participant on various Comedy Central Roasts, and is a regular on "The Howard Stern Show." It cannot be easy to stand in front of a crowd and make them laugh hysterically for an entire set, but she manages to do so effortlessly. It is evident that she feels at home on stage, and the crowd at the Nokia Theatre welcomed her with open arms and endless guffaws.

While she makes a living telling homosexual jokes, Lampanelli is a longtime supporter of gay rights. Her charity of choice on "Celebrity Apprentice 5" was the Gay Men's Crisis, and last year she even went head to head with the Westboro Baptist Church in their support. Lampanelli made a public statement saying she would donate $1000 for every church member who protested a show she was doing in Topeka, Kansas. Close to 50 protesters showed up, and she happily wrote a check to the charity for $50, the name of the church. Hats off to her.

Stand-up comedy is a curious art form in that it is often defined by the laughter it elicits. If this is the case than Lisa Lampanelli has a lot to be proud of. She may be crude and offensive, but it is this very raw obscene nature that also makes her so engaging. So, love her or hate her, that's entirely up to you, but one thing is certain...she does not give a f*ck either way.

by Michelle Sandoval

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