Blackwell v. Black: FRC Cries Foul at Ohio Marriage Decision


A mere day after taking a victory lap celebrating the signing into law an Arizona-style "religious freedom" bill that allows businesses to deny services to LGBT individuals on the basis of deeply held beliefs, the Family Research Council is lamenting a federal judge's decision Friday that would force Ohio to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages.

A statement release Friday by SPLC designated anti-gay hate group, Family Research Council says:

Family Research Council Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell, former Ohio secretary of state and former Cincinnati mayor, strongly disagreed with today's announcement by Federal Judge Timothy Black that he will force the state to recognize out-of-state same-sex "marriages." Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed their state's marriage amendment in 2004, 62 percent to 38 percent. Homosexual activists also failed this week to gain enough signatures to put same-sex "marriage" on the Ohio ballot in November.

Of Judge Black's statement Blackwell said:

"This is another example of how the will of the people is being subverted by misguided activist judges. The fact is that Ohioans affirmed natural marriage at the ballot box and will continue to resist efforts to redefine marriage. The opponents of natural marriage are frustrated by this expressed will of the people. Those seeking to redefine marriage couldn't even muster up the signatures this spring to get this issue on the ballot in November, where Ohioans were ready to contest it.

"Now a judge has decided to sidestep the expressed and established will of the people and is assaulting their views by judicial fiat. In the vast majority of states where the American people have been able to vote on the issue, Americans have declared their support for natural marriage. Meanwhile, it's been activist judges who have continually trumped the will of the people by redefining marriage. Hopefully the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals will have more respect for the people of Ohio."

FRC's latest tantrum comes in response to when federal Judge Timoth Black announce his intentions following following arguments in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio's 2004 ban on same-sex marriage.

"I intend to issue a declaration that Ohio's recognition bans, that have been relied upon to deny legal recognition to same-sex couples validly entered in other states where legal, violates the rights secured by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution," Black said. "(They're) denied their fundamental right to marry a person of their choosing and the right to remain married."


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