2016 'Christian Party' Presidential Candidate Calls for More God & Family, Less LGBT Rights

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Move over Michele Bachmann, "crazy" has a new face!

The owner of a professional engineering consulting firm and author of a book about prayer has announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential race, running on a platform that would do away with separation of church and state, enforce mandatory Bible study and Christian parenting classes, essentially ban abortion, limit divorce and do away with equal protections for LGBT citizens.

According to a press release published on his website:

Darrell Trigg, P.E. has declared that he is a candidate for the 2016 election for the President of The United States of America. Although he will be listed as an "Independent" candidate, he intends to eventually form a new political party, The Christian Party. [..]

Darrell felt God's calling to develop the campaign platform three years ago, and due to the encouraging response that he received from his wife and God's inspiration, he has been working on forming this campaign since then.

The main objectives of his campaign are :

� To bring honor and glory to God.
� To turn this nation back to the Christian principles upon which it was founded.
� To help lead millions to a personal relationship with God.
� To bring jobs back to this country in industries such as furniture manufacturing, textile mills that make clothes and other goods, and other industries.
� To establish the Christian religion as the national religion.
� To protect marriage, the family, and the home.
� To use the Bible as a guideline for the moral principles of this nation.
� To have a nation that honors God.

Not surprisingly, Trigg's user-conservative Christian manifesto states, "Homosexuality will not be recognized legally, or in any other manner, by the United States government or any state, city, or county government."

This lack of recognition will essentially do away with any anti-LGBT discrimination legislation.

A Putinesque gay propaganda clause is also included in Trigg's platform that calls for regulation of the entertainment industry.

The rating system for movies and T.V. shows will be drastically overhauled :

� No show or movie will be allowed on T.V. systems or computer systems accessible by homes that contain nudity, strong sexual content, excessive foul language, blasphemy, or any form of homosexuality.

Non-LGBT citizens will also be affected under Trigg's "marriage and family" protection clause.

Marriage and the family will be protected by the following :

� Marriage will be defined as the union of one woman with one man.
� The legal age for marriage will be 22.
� A couple wishing to get married must first attend Christian marriage counseling classes.
� Divorce will only be allowed in cases of abuse, infidelity, or incarceration.�
� The penalties for abuse and infidelity will include large fines and jail time.
� Married couples who become pregnant must attend Christian parenting classes.

Trigg's platform also calls to lower employee compensation and environmental standards on any U.S. business that feels it has suffered from foreign competition.

Oddly enough, without acknowledging it, Trigg appears to like Obamacare. His platform states, "the insurance and medical system of the U.S. will be overhauled. Employers will be required to provide insurance for their employees. The costs of medical services and pharmaceuticals will be reviewed. These will be offered at a fair price without excessive profit for the providers."

Welcome to the America's new Christian Taliban.

by Bobby McGuire

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