Transgender Woman Escapes 2-Year Captivity as Sex Slave in Louisiana

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A Minnesota transgender woman was freed Saturday after spending two-years in captivity as a sex slave for a trio in Louisiana. ABC-affiliate station KACT-TV reports.

According to an assistant town marshal for Natchitoches, La., the victim was found Saturday night near an intersection with a logging chain wrapped around her body. The victim told the authorities she had been held captive and forced to have sex with her captors and do hard labor for them.

The victim was taken to a nearby hospital and was treated for multiple lacerations and bruises and the logging chain had to be removed by local firefighters. Natchitoches Sheriff Victor Jones Jr. said the incident is the most "severe and disturbing" human trafficking case he'd ever investigated.

The three suspects, David Rodriguez Jr., 37, Christina Marie Harper, 39, and Ambre Tubbs Lomas, 39, turned themselves in last Wednesday.

Investigators say the victim met Rodriguez and Harper on the Internet and agreed to move into the couple's home. Rodriguez allegedly drove to the victim's home, who lived outside of Louisiana, to help her with the move.

But once the victim moved in, things went down hill as Rodriguez allegedly forced her to give him money and to give up her Harley Davidson motorcycle. He also reportedly registered the victim as a slave on a website.

According to the victim, she was forced to do daily chores and sexual acts. She was also made to serve meals, take care of pets, install a swimming pool and yard work. If she didn't, she was allegedly brutally disciplined by the trio. The victim says she was beaten, tased, doused with urine and had letters carved into her body.

When the victim told the couple she wanted to leave, she was allegedly chained in the woods, fed once a day and given small amounts of water and urine to drink. She was able to escape, however, and used one of the trio's cars as a get away.

She is now in protective custody and authorities are investigating the case. They've searched the home and seized 15 firearms, a stun gun, computers and digital video recording devices.

Two teens who were living in the home were taken under the custody of Louisiana's child protective services.

Rodriguez was charged with of one count of human trafficking. Rodriguez was also charged with one count of aggravated second-degree battery one count of second-degree kidnapping/false imprisonment and two counts of offenses against computer users. Harper was charged with one count of human trafficking, one count of aggravated second-degree batter, one count of second degree kidnapping/false imprisonment and two counts of offensive against computer users. The couple's bond was set at $635,000.

As for Lomas, she was charged with one count of second-degree kidnapping/false imprisonment and one count of aggravated second-degree batter. Her bond is set at $525,000.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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