
JC Alvarez READ TIME: 2 MIN.

At one time or another everyone has fantasied or imagined what it would be like to get pulled over by a state trooper with his tight uniform and reflective aviator glasses. The anxiety of imagining their powerfully muscles thighs straddling off of their motorbike, the manly strut as they clear the path to your driver side window. You lower the window. a bead of sweat sliding down the side of your neck as you hear the words: "License and registration."

In the "real world" we are handed a citation and a warning for running over the speed limit, but in "Rookies: Gay Erotic Cop Stories" editor Shane Allison is able to take the reader one step further...and in most cases, right over the edge! The collected stores by the editor of "College Boys" runs the gamut of tantalizing tales. Within its 240 pages the imagination is triggered with fanciful sensations depicting men in uniform - and out.

Authority figures and uniforms have always held a special place in gay erotica. Within the pages of "Rookies" the stories range from the sublime to the extreme, from romantic encounters that reunite high school teammates, to some serious man-handling. Why anyone would resist an arrest...well, the result could lead to a night of not-so-solitary confinement.

Make no mistake, these tales are not akin to anything that would lead the more sophisticated to blush. To most these tales are tame by comparison, but to those fans of the "50 Shades" let's just've been warned! These escapades of our beloved boys in blue, make short work of anything "Gray" has to offer. Take note!

For couples looking to share in an experience, recommending "Rookies" as a nightcap is guaranteed to lead to some arresting developments. No doubt.

Rookies: Gay Erotic Cop Stories
edited by Shane Allison
and released by Cleis Press Publishing is available for $15.95 on paperback

by JC Alvarez

Native New Yorker JC Alvarez is a pop-culture enthusiast and the nightlife chronicler of the club scene and its celebrity denizens from coast-to-coast. He is the on-air host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Out Loud & Live!" and is also on the panel of the local-access talk show "Talking About".

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