Harlem Hate Pastor Claims a 'Sodomite Spit on Our Food Table'


Newly inducted SPLC designated hate group leader Pastor James David Manning is turning an alleged spitting incident into a money making opportunity for his notoriously anti-gay ATLAH church in Harlem.

As part of his ongoing crusade to have Al Sharpton fired from MSNBC, Manning and his followers are protesting advertisers of the 24-hour news channel. According to Manning, on Saturday, May 16, a passerby spat on a food table set up for his band of protesters as they demonstrated outside of a BMW dealership in Manhattan.

"This past Saturday, a big fat sodomite walked by our table where we were preparing our food - our roast beef sandwiches and turkey sandwiches and cole slaw and hot dogs and ice tea. And we're getting ready to eat and this big fag sodomite walked by and spit on our table," Manning claimed. "He didn't just spit with the saliva in his mouth, he hocked way down there and called up a lot of phlegm and spit on our table."

According to Manning, the alleged loogie incident isn't the only run-in his group had with counter-protesters Saturday.

"One jumped in my face and got up in my face, and had it not been for Elder Smith who got in front - this guy was in my face. He was yelling and screaming and telling me what he's gonna make me do," Manning said. "He was a sodomite."

In an attempt to take lemons and make lemonade, Manning invoked the alleged spitting incident as part of a money beg for his organization.

"What I do think you need to do - if we can take being spat on, if we can take people yelling with bad breath like this sodomite who was in my face, we'll do that to set America free of the tyranny of Obama and Al Sharpton. What I'm going to ask you to do is finance our supporters," he said.

"We're doing it for you. We're doing it for America. We're doing it for Jesus," he added.

For the better part of 2015, Manning has been in a one-way war of words with Sharpton whom he has called racial epithets that have run the gamut from "food stamp negro" to "nappy headed" and "coon."

Manning came to national attention in 2014 when he posted the message "Obama has release the homo demons on the black man" on the sign in front of his church in Harlem. His statements include the assertion that Starbucks uses "sodomite semen" as an ingredient in their lattes and that pop idol Justin Bieber is a transgender man who cut off his breasts.

Manning's ATLAH World Ministry Church located in Harlem was recently designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an active anti-gay hate group.


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