Pissed Off Patti LuPone Snatches Phone From Rude Audience Member


Hell hath no fury like a Broadway diva scorned.

During Wednesday evening's performance of Douglas Carter Beane's new play "Shows for Days" currently playing in Lincoln Center, Broadway legend Patti LuPone gave a rude audience member a lesson she won't soon forget.

According to Playbill.com, at Wednesday's performance of "Shows for Days," there was a "persistent texter" in the audience. Phone texting is forbidden in most theaters as the light from the phone distracts both the audience members and actors on stage. Besides that, it's damn rude.

Annoyed with the texter, LuPone, who plays a community theater tyrant in the play, took matters into her own hands to school the rude audience member. On one of her exit lines, she walked up to the texter's seat, snatched the phone out of her hands and took it backstage.

Problem solved.

The rude texter should have known better than to incur LuPone's wrath. Perhaps they forgot about her mid-show rant during the run of the Broadway revival of "Gypsy" when during her show-stopping number "Roses Turn," she literally stopped the show to publicly admonish an audience member who had been taking flash photos throughout the performance.

"Stop taking pictures, right now! You heard the announcement. Who do you think you are?!" She said at the time. She went on to tell the house staff at the theater "Get 'em out now!"

Read the following Twitter accounts of Wednesday's LuPone incident that were hopefully sent after the curtain fell.


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