Mark Your Calendars: May 16 is 'National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day'


The challenges, struggles and triumphs of older LGBT adults will be commemorated on May 16 during National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day.

The day of recognition, inaugurated by The LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton Health Care in Baltimore in 2016, will pay tribute to the sacrifices and successes of LGBT older adults and thank them for leading the fight to expand LGBT rights. There are an estimated 3 million LGBT adults over the age of 55 throughout the U.S.

"Whether they fought quietly or stepped into the spotlight, LGBT elders have made a difference for all LGBT people," said Nate Sweeney, executive director of The LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton Health Care. "We're proud to offer a chance for LGBT communities across the country to thank these individuals for what they've given us."

National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day was added to the National Day registry in 2016 by The LGBT Health Resource Center.

For more information about National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day, including resources for planning a celebration and a social media toolkit, visit

"The gains made in recent years toward LGBT equality are a direct result of those who came before us," Sweeney said. "More than ever, it's important that our community hear their stories, learn from their experiences, and carry their example forward as we continue the fight for equality."

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