Thirst-trapping Thomas Beattie Inspired Josh Cavallo to Come Out


Last month Aussie footballer Josh Cavallo came out in an emotional video he called "Josh's Truth." Sent via social media, Cavallo said, "There's something personal that I need to share with everyone: I'm a footballer, and I am gay."

This week Cavallo opened up about why he chose October 27 to come out, and the out ex-football star who inspired him to make the move in an interview with the Aussie newspaper The Herald Sun. (Note: story behind a firewall.)

Choosing the 27th was not just coincidence. "Cavallo wears the number 27 for the Adelaide Reds, and the 27th is his parents' wedding anniversary," the Daily Mail said. "Cavallo's treasured grandfather also died on the 27th a few years ago, making it a special number for the family."

He added that it was a conversation with ex-football star, Britisher Thomas Beattie, that helped him be confident enough to come out. Beattie had offered Cavallo some advice via Instagram.

"He has worked closely with me, and he said to me: 'Josh, you can have both, you can change the world, you can do this' and he opened my eyes to doing this," he said.

He wanted to "help change or save someone's life" because there could be "someone on the opposite side of the world dealing with the exact same pain as what me and Tommy went through."

"It could lead to suicide or take them to dark places," he added. "But I want to share the positive side of that and look at the reaction I've gotten and how happy everyone is from that."

Beattie came out in an emotional post in June, 2020. He said at the time, "My name is Thomas Beattie. I'm a brother, son, friend, former professional footballer, entrepreneur and annoyingly competitive lad," he wrote. "I'm a lot of things, and one of them is gay."

Beattie also has a very thirst-trappy IG account, as these pics attest:

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