Jason Gould Source: Gene Reed

Not a 'Show Biz' Guy, Jason Gould Finds His Own Creative Path

Nicholas Dussault READ TIME: 8 MIN.

Despite being born to Hollywood royalty, Jason Gould is hardly a household name. The warm, softspoken, humble man is the son of actor Elliot Gould and Barbra. Yes, THAT Barbra. They married in 1963; separated in 1969: and divorced 1971. Jason, their only child, was born in 1966.

Jason's show business career has been limited by choice. He appeared in two Hollywood films, "Say Anything" (1989) and "The Prince of Tides" (1991), directed by and starring his mom. In 1997 he appeared in two projects – on the London stage in the LGBTQ+ drama "The Twilight of the Golds," in which he played the lead. He also made the meta-short film "Inside Out," in which he wrote, directed, produced and starred in as the son of a famous celebrity who is outed. What made it even more meta was that both his father and half-brother Sam Gould appeared in the film. It was later included in the compilation film "Boys Life 3."

As for his singing career, Jason didn't pursue it until later in life. But after hearing one note, it's clear that he got his voice from the Streisand side of the family. His first public performance ever was a duet of "How Deep is the Ocean" with his mother on stage at the Hollywood Bowl, in front of 18,000 people. The official video on YouTube has amassed 2.4 million views to date. But that's as big as his audience ever got – by his design.

The indie singer-songwriter recently released his new EP "Sacred Days," a five-track of original songs that range from danceable club sounds to modern pop and a personal call for the end of global violence and anger. Recently EDGE had the chance to chat with the passionate singer-songwriter about his new music, his desire to create yet avoid the spotlight, and, yes, his very famous mother.

EDGE: Let's talk about your music.

Jason Gould: I think music effects different people in different ways. What it is for me would be different for you and for other people. I can't really tell people what to expect, but I can really tell you that a lot of care and love goes into creating it, I enjoy the process. I'm involved in every aspect of it.

EDGE: Can you share a bit of the process?

Jason Gould: I write the melody first. Sometimes there are words attached. Some of the words just come out and express my feelings on what's going on in the world. I feel like I'm a bit of a channel. I've always been a seeker of what was real or what was true. Not religious, I'm spiritual. I'm a meditator since 2009. It's a part of my life every day. It gives me a lot of peace serenity and guidance. I follow the guidance. I trust.

EDGE: Who is your fan base?

Jason Gould: I don't know. It's probably a spectrum of people. I'm not a show biz guy. I'm really not. I don't really (care) about show biz. I find it off-putting. I'm a creative person. I have something to say. When I put things out into this world, it's out of my hands. Who's buying? Who's disseminating? I'm not looking at it like that. To me, it's an offering.

The cover art to "Sacred Days"
Source: Instagram

EDGE: Who did the EP cover for "Laws of Desire"?

Jason Gould: It's actually something I created using AI. I was exploring Midjourney art and I thought it was something interesting. I thought about the laws of desire, that whatever we desire we probably see as we know. The eye sees and it know what it wants, and I think desires.

EDGE: In a roomful of music icons, your mother is the most iconic one. Do you come from a musical home?

Jason Gould: I always loved music. I have always been musical. I was always listening to it, even creating it. I was a kid who would sit at the piano and come up with little melodies. But I never knew how to craft a song. I did take some piano lessons but could never understand the notes etc. It was like math to me. But I would hear things and try to find the chords. I created my own way to make it happen. I'd put stickers on the keys, colors, numbers. Now with technology you don't have to you do that. You can press a key and it will tell you what chord it is. I just come from a place where it's instinctive.

EDGE: Was there a lot of singing in your home?

Jason Gould: I come from a place where my mom is, as you say, iconic. But I never even opened my mouth and sing because I didn't want to be compared to her. I was always a very shy, introverted kid.

My mother didn't really sing around the house. She just didn't. I would sometimes be in the recording studio with her. I was around it all the time. I believe I was in her womb when she was performing "Funny Girl" on the London Stage. I guess you could say I was in it. (Gently laughs)

EDGE: Did you ever resent your mother's success and fame?

Jason Gould: No, I didn't resent it at all. Because I grew up in that world, I've seen it inside and out. I understand it. It's not at all the allure for me. I wasn't someone who wanted to be in the spotlight. I don't think my mother likes the public part of show biz either. She's also an artist and a creator. For me It's about expressing myself, creating and collaborating, making the music. If it doesn't reach a large audience, that's okay with me.

EDGE: Certainly nobody can call you one, but what are your thoughts on next generation Hollywood artists being called "nepo (nepotism) babies?"

Jason Gould: I don't really understand it. Many people follow in their own parent's professions. That's not unusual. There are some privileges and there are also some challenges. It does help to know people who know people who make music. But if your parents are in a certain industry, there's a good chance you're going to know other people in that industry. It was not set up for me in any way. I had to find my own people to make music. I chose to find this in my own humble way. For me, it's all humbling. I never even asked for the help.

EDGE: Who are your musical influences?

Jason Gould: My first ever favorite song was "I Say a Little Prayer for You." I had the little 45 of it when I was like 5 years old. And I had this plastic record player. I listened to it all the time. I liked the song "Up, Up and Away" a lot too." I liked The Police, Donna Summer, The Supremes, the Psychedelic Furs. I guess everything we love becomes a part of us. I'm not trying to be like anybody. I'm trying to follow my own influences, to just please myself. I've loved many, many musical artists not just in pop music. Jazz, world, and reggae. I guess this record is more in the pop genre, pop dance.

by Nicholas Dussault

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